javascript - entries

Bounce Homepage

A simple homepage for my school laptop.

Dynamic Music

Navigate and manipulate a virtual environment of sound sources.


A canvas-based web game.


A mashup generator.


A "fantasy console" built for tinkering.

React Twitter NoTrack

A React component library for embedding Tweets without Twitter's tracking script.


A Remark plugin to format music notation.

Wordle Clones

Two clones of Wordle, written in TypeScript and Rust.


A JavaScript library to run a WebSocket inside of a Web Worker.

Building My Online Presence

For much of my life, my identity has been, for lack of a better word, unstable. This is an outlet for me to keep track of what makes me who I am. It's a place where I can post things that I'm proud of.

Building a text processing pipeline with Unified

Spellcheck, grammar check, Markdown, HTML, and more!

Universal Hooks

Reimplementing some core React Hooks in userspace.