Emulation Project - Call for Collaborators!

November 26, 2022

I'm trying to emulate a bunch of 6502-based systems -- the Commodore PET, VIC-20, and 64, the Apple IIe, and the NES. I'm writing it in Rust, currently targeting desktop and WebAssembly but with plans to support mobile and embedded, too. Right now, I've got the PET working, and you can try it out here.

This is an ambitious project, and I'm seeing some exciting results, but I need your help if I'm going to have a chance at getting all of this working within a reasonable timeframe. If you like Rust, are interested in old hardware, and might have some free time soon, let me know.

A screenshot of a Commodore PET running BASIC.

Link to this section The Premise

The MOS 6502 defines an era of retro computing. It was a powerful chip, priced incredibly low. This same chip was used in the Commodore 64, Apple IIe, BBC Micro, and others, and a knockoff (with an entirely compatible instruction set) was used in the Nintendo Entertainment System. Many of these computers also relied on the MOS 6520 (Peripheral Interface Adapter, or PIA) and the MOS 6522 (Versatile Interface Adapter, or VIA).

Rust, like C or C++, is notable for its wide range of potential platforms. Toolchains exist for desktop, web, mobile, and even embedded processors, leaving open the possibility of creating a handheld device built to run this emulator.

By writing an emulator that works off of a few basic building blocks -- the 6502, the PIA and VIA, some basic RAM and ROM, and some special functions like the VIC chip -- it should be possible to emulate a wide range of systems, sharing much of the code between them. And by implementing this in Rust and targeting a variety of platforms, it should be possible to emulate anything, anywhere.

Link to this section The Work So Far

If you prefer reading code, take a look at the repo.

Link to this section --system brooke

The first system implementation was just something I came up with for testing. A System represents the 6502 and some attached Memory, which in this case was just RAM from 0x0000 through 0x3FFF, some memory-mapped I/O at 0x4000, and just ROM from 0x8000 to 0xFFFF. I chose this configuration to be similar to Ben Eater's homemade computer[^1], so that I could use his toolchain and examples to test my processor.

Here's some of the assembly I wrote by hand in the early days. This program will capitalize any letter it receives:

.org $8000
CMP #$61
BMI skip_capitalize
CMP #$7B
BPL skip_capitalize
JMP reset
.org $fffa
.word $0000; NMI
.word reset; RESET
.word $0000; IRQ

Link to this section --platform text

How does the above program actually read and write text? This is where Platforms come in. The Platform trait provides platform-specific code to run the System, and each Memory object can keep a PlatformProvider to provide functionality like writing to the terminal, prompting for input, drawing a pixel on the screen, or checking which keys are pressed.

The Text platform is the simplest, only providing read and write capabilities through the terminal.

Link to this section --system klaus

To verify that every opcode of my 6502 implementation worked, I decided to use Klaus Dormann's functional tests. This System was the harness that let me run these tests.

Link to this section --system easy

Another project I leaned off of was the Easy6502 guide. This guide walks you through writing a game of Snake for a bespoke 6502 system which outputs to a 16x16 color display. I implemented this video system for my emulator, and ran the example implementation of Snake. This basic 16x16 display was substantially more simple than any real-world video circuit, so it made a perfect first implementation.

Link to this section --platform winit

To actually push pixels to the screen, I landed on using pixels to plot pixels and winit to handle creating the window and handling keyboard events. I initially tried using minifb to handle both tasks, but I found it to have slightly worse performance.

Link to this section --system pet

My next step was to actually implement a real computer. I chose the Commodore PET, since its simple monochrome text-mode graphics would be relatively easy to implement.

In the PET, text is placed on the screen by writing a specific character code to a specific location in the video memory. There is no color support, bitmap mode, or other frills -- it's just text mode.

The PET also uses a PIA chip, which I needed to implement. This is used to read the keyboard row, and to receive a 60Hz interrupt from the video circuitry.

I did still have to implement the keyboard, which proved slightly difficult. The keyboard layout on the PET's "graphics keyboard" (one of the two standard keyboards for the PET) is quite different from a modern computer keyboard. Notably, it places the double-quote " on a key which does not require Shift to be pressed. After adding that and a few other special cases, it just required implementing the keyboard matrix scan logic to return the correct bits for each keyboard row.

Link to this section --target wasm32-unknown-unknown

A screenshot of a Commodore PET emulator running in a browser.

This is when I added support for WebAssembly. In a browser, the emulator draws to a <canvas> element, also using winit. (I'm thinking of transitioning away from winit and just directly setting up the <canvas> through JavaScript bindings.) The Easy6502 implementation works fine, and so does the PET. (The text-mode stuff also works, albeit through alert() and input() calls.)

Link to this section --system vic

A screenshot of a VIC-20 displaying the BASIC startup screen.

My most recent work has been trying to emulate the VIC-20. The VIC-20 is named after the VIC chip, or the Video Interface Chip. (Specifically, it's the MOS 6560 or 6561 in NTSC and PAL regions respectively.) This chip manages the background and border colors, the sound output, the light pen, and a few other miscellaneous video-related features.

The VIC-20 also trades the PIAs for VIAs. Although the PET contained a VIA, it was only used for the IEEE-488 interface (used for disk/tape drives and storage), so I didn't implement it. The VIC-20 uses its VIAs for reading the keyboard state and for setting up a 60Hz timer, both of which are required to get a minimal working system.

The VIC-20 uses three separate areas of memory for video-related functions:

  • The screen memory stores what character is displayed at each position on the screen.
  • The character memory stores the shape of each character -- kind of like the "font" of the system.
  • The color memory stores the color code for each position on the screen.

This work is ongoing. At time of writing, the system boots to the startup screen (with color), but fails to blink the cursor or display typed characters. Work is ongoing in the bc/vic-20 branch of the repo.

Link to this section The Road Ahead

My immediate goal is to get the VIC-20 working, which should happen soon. Past that, and loosely in order of priority, here's what I want to tackle:

Link to this section Emulating Disk Drives

Currently, the PET can only be used for running programs that you're willing to type out at the BASIC interpreter. Emulating a disk drive will make it easier to load a wide array of software, increasing the utility of the emulator and helping to test other parts of the system. Notably, lots of Commodore machines used the same drives, which might make this easy.

Link to this section Cleaning Up the WebAssembly Experience

Right now, the WebAssembly build is a somewhat manual process built on top of wasm-pack, with no automated deployment. Additionally, swapping between systems requires commenting out system-specific code.

I'd like the WebAssembly experience to be user-friendly enough for a user to select the system they would like to run from their browser. I'd also like deployment to be more automated, so pushes to the Git repository will trigger the web deployment to be up to date. This might also be a good time to remove the winit dependency for WebAssembly, and to work with the <canvas> directly. (That would also let us attach event listeners to the page itself, not just the canvas.)

Link to this section The Commodore 64

I'd like to emulate the Commodore 64, due to its popularity. The only substantial difference it has to the VIC-20 is the video circuitry, so once the VIC-20 is working, this should be a pretty easy system to get running.

Notably, the Commodore 64 uses the MOS 6510, not the 6502. This adds an 8-bit I/O port.

Link to this section Native Mobile Apps

While mobile users could use the WebAssembly version, the low performance of mobile devices means that the overhead of WASM makes the experience laggy. A native mobile app could also give a better keyboard experience for users.

Link to this section The Apple IIe

This was another popular 6502-based computer with a rich software library. It has less in common with the Commodore machines, meaning it might be more difficult to get working.

Link to this section Embedded Design Sketching

My vision is to have some physical device with physical controls and a physical display to run the emulator as firmware. I don't intend on bringing this to market, partly because I don't think there is enough demand and partly because we would have to be careful to avoid copyright issues (e.g. the kernals of the Commodore machines are still protected under copyright). That said, I want it to be inexpensive enough that we could put together a few as a proof-of-concept.

Figuring out the vision for this project requires:

  • Choosing a chip
    • Ideally we'd want one with good Rust support, like the RP2040
  • Choosing a display
    • This might be the most expensive part of the system
    • We'd want something with color, and a good "middle ground" aspect ratio
  • Drawing a schematic
  • Laying out a PCB
  • Assembly!

Link to this section The Nintendo Entertainment System

The NES has a complicated video system with hardware sprites and multiple modes. It will be quite a challenge to implement. It uses the Ricoh 2A03, which is a 6502 clone but doesn't have Binary Coded Decimal support for patent-related reasons.

Link to this section Cleaning Up the Desktop Experience

It might be nice to have a user-friendly GUI that allows users to choose their system and ROM before launching. It also might be nice to ship a compiled, signed executable for all platforms.

Link to this section Additional Systems

Other potential 6502-bsed systems include:

  • Apple I, other members of the Apple II family
  • Acorn's various Eurocard systems
  • Atari's 8-bit family including the Atari 400 and 800

Link to this section Support for additional CPUs

In the long term, it might be nice to add support for additional CPUs. Potential candidates include:

WDC 65C02, WDC 65C816, Ricoh 5A22: This family was based on the original 6502. The 65C02 removed some undocumented opcodes, added some new opcodes, and fixed some errata from the old silicon. The 65C816 made even more extensions, including 16-bit registers, but maintains binary compatibility with the 6502. Finally, the Ricoh 5A22 is a clone of the 65C816, similar to how the Ricoh 2A03 clones the 6502.

  • WDC 65C02: Apple IIc, Enhanced Apple IIe, BBC Master, Atari Lynx
  • WDC 65C816: Apple IIGS
  • Ricoh 5A22: Super Nintendo Entertainment System

8080, Z80, "GB-Z80", 8086: This family of processors was also widely used. The Z80 is an extension of the Intel 8080, and the "GB-Z80" (technically a Sharp LR35902) shares many of the same opcodes. The Intel 8086 has similar opcodes to the 8080.

  • Intel 8080: Altair 8800, Sol-20
  • Zilog Z80: ZX Spectrum (and the ZX 80 and ZX 81), TRS-80, Cambridge Computer Z88
  • "GB-Z80" / Sharp LR35902: Game Boy, Game Boy Color
  • Intel 8086: IBM PC (model 5150), IBM PS/2, Tandy 1000

Motorola 68000 This is a 16/32-bit processor with a 32-bit instruction set and a 16-bit data bus. It was used in the Macintosh, Amiga, Atari ST, Sun-1, Apple Lisa, Sinclair QL, and Sega Genesis.

Link to this section Project name?

So far, I've just been calling the project "noentiendo," as a pun on Nintendo and an allusion to the fact that I didn't know much about Rust or retro computing before starting this project. I've been thinking about calling it "MoxEMU," since I really like Moxie soda. I'd love other suggestions -- maybe one will stick!

Link to this section Timeline

My immediate priority is getting the VIC-20 working. I don't have an ETA on when that'll be finish, but my hope is that it'll be done by New Years. After that branch gets merged, I'd love to start working on this with a group of people. Hopefully, once the initial design is frozen, collaboration should be easy due to the modular nature of the system.

If you're interested, get in touch with me, and I can keep you up to date!

[^1]: It's also a big part of what inspired me to start this project!